- Be optimistic. You have a whole new year ahead of you. Think of all the great things that are still yet to come.
- Set realistic goals or resolutions. If you set resolutions that are realistic, you are more likely to stick to them Having goals can keep you looking ahead.
- Pursue these goals and stick with them. To have a happy new year, you need to stick to the goals all year round and actively pursue them.
- Spend more time with loved ones. As each year passes, we realise how fast time goes. Take time out for the important people in your life. Even if it is a phone call or meeting for coffee, make that time.
- Volunteer. Helping out others is so rewarding and many times can give a new perspective.
- Look forward to new beginnings. It is a new year and there will be many opportunities to look forward to. Whatever bad has happened, a new year gives the opportunity for fresh start.
- Be thankful. Look at the good things in your life and be thankful for all you have.
- Kee a positive attitude. The best way to have a happy new year is to keep positive attitude. SMILE. Try to look at the brighter side of things and avoid negative thoughts. Put things in perspective when you feel down.
Resource: The Star
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