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Nov 24, 2009

Garlic Power

ALLIUM SATIVUM - garlic - whose family members include onions, scallions, chives and shallots, is a favourite, pungent flavouring agent around the world, but there are lots more to it than flavour!

As far back as 3,000 years ago, people were using it medicinally.  It was a part of the diet of slaves who built the pyramids and the ancient Greeks used it before battles and races.  More recently, it was used to treat infected battle wounds of the First World War.

Is it really beneficial for the average person to eat it, though?  Like most food and substances, the answers is difficult to come by.

Some studies have shown that as little as half a clove of garlic a day can reduce cholesterol up to nine per cent and because of that, reduce the risk of heart attack up to 18 per cent.  Others say it will reduce cholesterol up to 17 per cent, still others say it has little if any effect.  It's worth noting that many studies show a reduction in cholesterol than those who don't.

We do know that it lowers blood pressure by enlarging  or stretching blood vessels.  One researcher noted that decreased blood pressure could be measured after patients took only one garlic powder capsule.

It's also an anticoagulant and could be helpful in protecting you from clots which cause strokes.  If you are taking aspirin to keep your blood from forming clots, garlic may be a more pleasant way.  Mixing aspirin or other blood thinning medicines with garlic can be dangerous under some circumstances though and should be done under a doctor's care.

It's been discovered that ulcers can be the result of viral infections, against which garlic can be a useful antidote.  It also is helpful against parasites, bacterial infection and even slows the growth of existing tumours.

Garlic works inside the body by promoting the ability of white blood cells to fight infections and by stimulating other immune cells like macrophages and T-cells which fight viral and bacterial infections, as well as cancer cells.  In other words, it helps your body to help itself, and neither bacteria nor virus can develop a resistance to that.

Raw or cooked?  It's still under debate.  Some studies say one thing, some another.  Garlic pills are thought to be as effective as raw garlic cloves bu some.  Standardised doses make it easier to track the effectiveness.

The reasoning is that the power as well as the taste and odour of garlic are released when a clove is bruised, cut or chewed.

Allicin thus released oxidises quickly and breaks down into over a hundred different substances, not all are proven to be helpful to the human body.

With all the benefits mentioned it should be included in one's diet every day especially in today's world, where overweight, high blood pressure and heart problems are common health concerns; a daily dose of garlic is part of a sensible, healthy diet.

Individuals who take anticoagulants, who have hemophilia, or need to guard against low blood pressure may want to consult their doctors and/or alternative health care specialist before embarking on this diet.


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